Due Diligence: MBA with a Focus on Sustainable Energy, Part 2

Due Diligence: MBA with a Focus on Sustainable Energy, Part 2

The world’s most significant problem is climate change. How do we mitigate? How do we revert the damage made? How do we prepare leaders to take on this exceedingly difficult task?. Read on to learn which MBA program prepares students for careers related to climate change ….

Due Diligence: MBA with a Focus on Sustainable Energy, Part 1

Due Diligence: MBA with a Focus on Sustainable Energy, Part 1

The world needs leaders who can help solve some of the globe’s most pressing problems, particularly in sustainable energy. What better place than to hone your leadership and industry-specific acumen than in your MBA program. Read on to for further insights…

Interview: MIT Sloan Fellows

Interview: MIT Sloan Fellows

She began the interview by telling me about the admissions process and informed me that she had read my application in its entirety and knew that I had been on campus – it felt like she knew everything about me….