Our Team


Susan Berishaj


Susan’s passion for human behavior and psychology gives her a unique ability to understand a student’s journey and identify the most compelling aspects of their character. The bedrock of her coaching approach is helping students to tell that story in the voice that best speaks to the values of top business schools.

Born in New York City, but raised in Montenegro, Susan made the proverbial hour-long walk to and from school. The walk was no chore, as, from an early age, Susan realized education brought empowerment. It was her own relentless pursuit of higher education and rising above any externally imposed limits that brought her back to New York.

Not only earning degrees from NYU and Yale but being embedded in university life with participation in clubs, committees, and other student activities, Susan knows how to get the very best return from an investment in education. This same passion, involvement, and dedication led to her work at a leading US Hedge Fund and later, a large European Private Equity firm. This global work experience, combined with her New York hustle, naturally draws the most ambitious financial service professionals and Wall Street hopefuls.

Since founding Sia Admissions, she has worked with candidates from a variety of fields, including traditional backgrounds - consulting, banking, tech, healthcare - and non-traditional backgrounds - family business, retail, entertainment, non-profit, military, etc. She focused on supporting M7 and T-20 MBA hopefuls to access life-changing education opportunities.

Danae Anderson

MBA Admission Coach

Passionate about writing, coaching, and helping others find and realize their path, Danae combines a professional background in Product Management with academic training in both Linguistics and Business to get her clients admitted to the top 20 business schools. She works with clients from all walks of life, including typical pre-MBA industries like management consulting, finance, investment banking, and product management, as well as non-traditional backgrounds. More than anything, Danae believes in her client's success and leverages the power of storytelling to create a cohesive narrative between personal essays, career goals, and resume, to communicate a singular idea to the admissions committee that reflects the ideal candidate for their MBA program.

Academically, she holds a BA in English Language and Literature, an MSc in Linguistics, and an MBA. Before her coaching career, she served as a product manager at two FTSE companies; before that, she helped countless higher-education students achieve academic success.