
The Greatest Mistake In Your Application To M7s – Goals

The Greatest Mistake In Your Application To M7s – Goals

Aspiring MBA candidates often misunderstand what it takes to gain admission to M7s. Articulating these 3 aspects of your goals can increase your chances.

The Fabric of a Top B-School Candidate

The Fabric of a Top B-School Candidate

There’s no secret as to what MBA requirements are in a candidate. Aspiring business leaders are engaged citizens. They are involved in their community throughout their academic and professional careers, lending a hand, and helping to make a difference.

3 Key Steps to Prepare for Business School

3 Key Steps to Prepare for Business School

As an admissions consultant, I am often asked, “When do I start preparing for the MBA application?”. My answer remains, “As soon as you know that you will be pursuing an MBA.” MBA admissions – especially at top-ranked institutions- is competitive, and the sooner you begin the preparation process, the better. ….