
“Prior to reaching out to Sia Admissions Consulting, I was feeling somewhat overwhelmed with the admissions process. The stress and anxiety of these important decisions combined with the nuances of each school’s admissions process was, at times, almost crippling. Working with Sia immediately improved the situation. Susan took the time to really know and understand what drives me. She then helped me develop a strategic plan to evaluate and decide which schools would be the best fit. Sia guided me through the nuances of each program and helped me cultivate a unique and compelling candidate profile that I was incredibly proud of. Sia’s ability to help me manage timelines, develop a strategy for campus visits and university interactions was a huge boost to my confidence that paid dividends during the interviews. Sia was an instrumental partner in helping me attend my first-choice program and I would recommend working with them to anyone.”

~ R.A.A., MBA candidate, Yale SOM